Thursday, August 2, 2012

Birthday Party Post

Before I talk about Madison's wonderful 2nd birthday party I'd like to share the results of her recent ABR. Everything was fine! The hearing in her right ear has neither improved or gotten worse and has continued to stay the same. A relief for us, for sure.  They mentioned that while everyone varies on their opinion of her needing hearing aids, that it's ultimately our decision and so we're weighing options right now. Her doctor doesn't feel like it's necessary because the hearing loss is so minor, while I'm sure others would disagree. I'm not sure which route we'll go, but I'll be sure to update on that later. Sedation went fairly smoothly, except the fact that she woke up completely panicked that she didn't have Mom or Dad there with her. It's the first time in her whole life that she has ever had to wake up in a strange place, and she didn't take it well. Why they wouldn't allow us to be back there during recovery puzzles me. It took us a good 20 minutes after they brought her to us to calm her down again. The nurse mentioned it being a side effect of sedation, which could very much be true. All I know is a fully conscious Maddy would react about the same way. All in all, she did great and we shouldn't have to worry about another ABR for quite some time as long as she cooperates in the sound booth next time.

Now to report on her PARTY! It went wonderful. She did not meet the "walk by my second birthday" goal but that's just fine. She's working hard towards it and we couldn't be prouder! I can't explain her party as well with words as I can with pictures, so without further ado...

Her birthday banner and presents with her picture center on the mantel.

Kalen waiting for the party to begin. He was very patient, but excited to get started.
She's a finger food type of toddler and rarely eats big meals. I found it fitting to not only serve finger foods, but these cupcakes instead of cake. The cupcake on top with the tiara is hers.

Momma's ballerina.
She quickly learned that this gained lots of laughs and cheers and so she showed off quite a bit with this trick during the party. ;)

Madison with her best friend and her cousin Violet. These two are adorable together!

Sometimes she just needs some love from her Aunty Jenny.

Madison watching her crush, Dino Dan. She is so in love with this boy!

Clearly  I'm not an amazing photographer, but my dad is! These are a few of the ones he took:

There were so many pictures, so forgive me for not posting them all. If I posted all of them this would be an extremely long post! Thanks to everyone who came and made her day so very special. She's one loved little girl.

She has a speech evalution coming up and I'll be sure to report on that.  Kalen starts school in 12 days so I've been spending my time getting him ready for school. It's such a shock that I have a 1st grader now. I'm so very proud of both of my babies.

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